Special Brown Fused Aluminum

MAXCALRC is a special brown fused aluminum oxide developed for high performance abrasive products. The grits are ceramic coated, which provides an increase in the specific surface of the abrasive grain and a better adhesion between the abrasive grain and resin. MAXCALRC is low titania content product, heat treated in a rotary kiln at high temperatures and magnetic treated. These procedures guarantee low iron content and excellent grit stability. Produced according to ANSI or FEPA-F.

Chemical Analytics by XRF (%)
Al2O3 TiO2 SiO2 Fe2O3
97,51 1,19 0,49 0,45
Elfusa Geral de Eletrofusão Ltda is an integrating company of the Curimbaba Group -
+55 (19) 3634 2300 |

Elfusa Geral de Eletrofusão Ltda is an integrating company of the Curimbaba Group -