Óxido de Aluminio Fundido Marrón

SFARBFRC is a semi-friable fused aluminum oxide obtained by a reductive fusion of high quality bauxites in electric arc furnaces. The grits are heated at high temperatures and turn blue due to their controlled chemistry increasing toughness. The grits are ceramic coated with iron oxide at high temperatures improving their capacity to bond each other in resin bonded cutting-off discs. SFARBFRC is recommended for high performance semi-friable grinding wheels. Los granos se producen de acuerdo con la normas ANSI y/o FEPA.

Análisis Químico por XRF
Al2O3 TiO2 SiO2 Fe2O3
96,92 1,61 0,55 0,61
Elfusa Geral de Electrofusão es una empresa del Grupo Curimbaba - www.grupocurimbaba.com.br

+55 (19) 3634 2300 | comercial@grupocurimbaba.com.br

Elfusa Geral de Electrofusão es una empresa del Grupo Curimbaba - www.grupocurimbaba.com.br